A busboy with a kid to support isn't going to stay home and miss out on$ 100 because he's got strep throat. 一名有孩子要抚养的餐馆工,是不会因为咽喉发炎而放弃$100的工资而待在家休息的。
In half of the offices, doctors received on-site education about prescribing guidelines for some common infections: pneumonia, strep throat and sinus infections. 一半诊所的医生们接受了一些常见感染处方指导方针的现场培训,包括肺炎、脓毒性咽喉炎和鼻窦炎。
I have strep throat so don't kiss me. 我得了链球菌感染,别亲我。
Prices are clearly displayed, as is the menu of ills the clinic can address, such as strep throat, sinus infections and flu. 诊所能处理哪些疾病也一一列出。例如,链球菌性喉炎,鼻窦感染和流感。
"These results suggest that tonsillectomy is a useful therapy for treating children with recurrent strep throat infections," says Laura Orvidas, M. “这些研究表明,扁桃体摘除术是治疗儿童咽部复发链球菌感染的一种有效方法”。
If a sore throat lasts more than a couple of days, see a doctor for a throat culture to rule out strep throat. 如果嗓子痛持续多日,应该去看喉科医生治愈这种链球菌感染所导致的咽喉炎。
Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections, such as pneumonia or strep throat. 医生很可能会对细菌感染开一些抗生素药,譬如肺炎或者喉部链锁状球菌感染。
According to witness accounts, Mozart fell ill with an "inflammatory fever," which is consistent with strep throat, Zegers and his colleagues wrote in their report. 席格斯和同事在研究报告中写道,根据目击者的描述,莫扎特患病时伴有“炎症性高烧”,这与脓毒性喉炎的症状相符。
Objective: The bacterial pathogen group A Streptococcus ( GAS; Streptococcus pyogenes) causes many distinct human diseases. The most common GAS infections are those of the upper respiratory tract, leading to development of pharyngitis ( strep throat). 目的:A族链球菌(GAS,又称为化脓性链球菌)可以引起多种人类疾病,最常见的GAS感染是上呼吸道感染,引发咽炎。